Our Story

The history of Techytal dates back to 2017 when Abraham Yawson, the Founder, started with the intention of providing solutions for businesses, both small and large scale. He was concerned with providing solutions that will cause small businesses to scale up by automating all their processes and cutting their operational cost while leveraging technology. In these few years, he was able to achieve all these and more through the exceptional solutions he provided for businesses and clients, both locally and internationally.

As someone who believes in teamwork, he was joined by Daniel and Toyosi in 2021, who brought in their expertise and versatility while working towards the same goal. We believe in solving problems and making life easy for our clients and users, we have always approached each project with this mindset over time.

We Are Your Go-To Guys for Any PC/Mac Problem You Might Have

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John Mitchell, Co-Owner,
Certified Technician

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Steve Thompson, Co-Owner,
Certified Technician

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We Are Committed to Exceptional Customer Service and Getting the Job Done Right!

At techytal, we are more interested in seeing your business progress, our team of dedicated professionals will come up with realistic strategies which are measurable over time to drive your business forward.

Frequently Asked Questions

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